Post Sale Offers

Lot 5049

Grundig TK5 tape recorder, together with a Kodak No.2 Brownie camera model 120 ...

Grundig TK5 tape recorder, together with a Kodak No.2 Brownie camera model 120

Offer GuideOffers placed within this guide will be accepted subject to being higher than other offers, any reserves, and availability.
Offers submitted below this guide may be subject to approval from the vendor and may take longer to be processed.
£15 - £40


Lot 5062

Books - Thirty seven copies of Mutual Air in the Victorian Countryside 1830-1914 by David Neave, fou...

Books - Thirty seven copies of Mutual Air in the Victorian Countryside 1830-1914 by David Neave, four copies of Voices of Hull Real-Life Stories from the Hull City Play edited by Trevelyan Wright, four copies of The Journal of Surgeon Cass Aboard the Whaler 'Brunswick' of Hull, 1824 edited by A G Credland, four copies of This Righteous War by B S Barnes, four copies of Flying Sail Humber Keels and Sloops by Michael E Ulyatt, four copies of Old Beverley by Philip Brown, etc., in two boxes

Offer GuideOffers placed within this guide will be accepted subject to being higher than other offers, any reserves, and availability.
Offers submitted below this guide may be subject to approval from the vendor and may take longer to be processed.
£15 - £25